Cheryl Aldrich

My Work

Over the years I have worked on many websites and design projects. I've created websites and print work for small business, managed a 2000 page state website, trained internal personnel, and done UX design work. Check out some of my recent work.

Aging Adult Monitor

I did this project for a UX Design class on Springboard. This toolset provides way to help caregivers monitor their aging family members to ensure they are healthy and safe, giving everyone peace of mind.

The product consists of a wristband worn by an aging adult and an accompanying phone app. The wristband collects health and location data, sends alerts, sends and receives messages, and makes phone calls. It does not require a lot of interaction from the aging adult, but provides much needed data to their caregivers. The phone app provides a means of accessing important information quickly and easily. The caregiver can monitor health and location information and calendar events. They also have the ability to send medical history and medication lists to medical staff with just a few clicks.

For this project, I created a prototype for the phone app. I went through the entire design process, made the prototype using InVision, and did usability testing.

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks

In the 9 years that I managed this website I completed several large, successful projects and won several awards:

  • Responsive Redesign
  • Montana WILD site and scheduler - Saves 20 manhours per week
  • Discover Montana's Ecosystems - Governor's Award
  • Design & Construction - Digital Plans - Saves $250,000 per year

Design & Construction - Projects Tool

This was a very involved project intended to allow personnel to enter data one time that could be used for the website and for accounting purposes. It could have saved countless manhours of work and reduced errors significantly had it been implemented. The budget wasn't available so the project sits on a shelf to this day.

Read the details about the design process used on this project.